19 Sep Senators Graham and Cassidy Drive Last-Minute Effort for Health Care Reform
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) are the latest leaders in Washington to propose ACA repeal and replace legislation before October.
Here’s the bottom line on the Senate’s latest repeal and replace bill:
• All Democrats will vote no: 48 votes
• Most Republicans will vote yes: 47 votes
• One Republican (Rand Paul, KY) is a definite NO vote and he told the President that personally yesterday. Unlikely he will switch but…• If Sens. Paul, Collins and Murkowski vote no, then the bill is dead. If
If Sens. Paul, Collins and Murkowski vote no, then the bill is dead. If any one of then vote yes, then the bill passes.• The Senate has until September 30 to pass the bill under Budget Reconciliation rules that allow passage with a simple majority vote
The Senate has until September 30 to pass the bill under Budget Reconciliation rules that allow passage with a simple majority vote. The House Speaker now says if it passes the Senate, he would put it on the floor for a vote asap.
Read Bill Breakdown