14 Dec HHS Revises COVID-19 Data Reporting Requirements
CMS has revised its COVID-19 data reporting requirements for hospitals, as well as CAHs, effective with the publication of the Outpatient Prospective Payment rule, scheduled for December 29. The rule expands data reporting to include current inventory supplies of any COVID-19-related therapeutics, current usage rate for any COVID-19-related therapeutics and cases of Acute Respiratory Illness such as Seasonal Influenza Virus, Influenza-like Illness, and Severe Acute Respiratory Infection. Reporting requirements are a Medicare Condition of Participation. Click here for the rule; the data reporting provisions begin on page 1190. Click here for the HHS guidance and here for an additional notice stating that certain reporting requirements are effective Dec. 18.
- The Congressional Research Service released a report, “Pandemic-Related Statutory Provisions Expiring in 2020,” containing information from all the bills passed during the PHE, click here. This is an excellent resource if you are following all these laws.
- Small, rural hospitals are struggling, sometimes more so, as The New York Times reports on one hospital in western, rural Texas, click here.
- A new survey by the American Nurses Association shows that one-third of nurses do not want the vaccine, click here.