Providing Veterans a Choice: CAHs and the VA Choice Program

Providing Veterans a Choice: CAHs and the VA Choice Program

November 14, 2017 @ 1:00 pm America/New York Timezone
CAH Coalition

Join us November 14th to learn about the Veterans Choice Program.

Devon Seibert-Bailey, Vice President for Policy at Strategic Health Care, joins us to discuss the history and status of the Veterans Choice Program. Started in 2014, the Choice Program allows veterans to receive health care within their community, and not just from VA medical centers. Many CAHs are eligible to become providers under the program, and just need to enroll to participate.

Devon comes with a wealth of experience handling health and veterans policy. Prior to working at Strategic Health Care, Devon spent over 6 years serving on the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. She also spent almost 2 years as policy advisor at the Department of Veterans Affairs under the Bush Administration. In total, Devon has over 11 years of experience working on Capitol Hill, including work as both the Legislative Director for Congressman David B. McKinley, P.E. (WV-01), and for Representative Marge Roukema of New Jersey.

Price: Free – Members  |  $35 – Non-Members

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An audio/visual recording of the webinar will be available for all registered attendees following the webinar.