08 Oct Allowable Cost Legislation, More Health Care Reforms in Consideration in Congress
The Senate failed to pass an ACA Repeal and Replace bill before the September 30 deadline which signaled the end of the window of opportunity to pass a reform bill with a 50-Senator majority, rather than the usual 60-Senator majority. While the Affordable Care Act repeal efforts have calmed, for now, Congress is still considering many health bills. Congress did, however, begin passage of bills such as the Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act to provide temporary relief to hurricane victims, and the House passed the Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act. Read more here about the most recent health bills considered by Congress in our memo.
Most important to Critical Access Hospitals, our legislation to define Allowable Costs for CAHs has been introduced in the House. The CAH Coalition held a webinar on the Allowable Cost Legislation on Thursday, October 12. View the webinar slides here.
The Critical Access Hospital Coalition has held introductory webinars to introduce the Coalition to potential new members and partners. If you are interested in learning more about the CAH Coalition, watch the video of our most recent introductory webinar. You can download the slides on our Past Events page.